The Greatest Kings and Queens of Sweden

In the footsteps of the Kings and Queens of Sweden

Private tours can be booked any day of the week depending on the guides’ availability. Contact us for more information.


Who were the greatest Kings and Queens of Sweden?

Who were Gustav Vasa, Gustavus Adolfus, Christina and Gustav III? For sure, they were major figures who contributed to Sweden’s political and cultural influence across the ages. This walking tour is your opportunity to know more about those monarchs and to better understand their role in the development of Sweden as an independent nation. Three Gustav’s who, each in his own way, allowed Sweden to establish its dominant power over Europe. One Christina, the one and only Queen of Sweden ever recorded in history. We designed this tour to breathe life into these colourful characters who will certainly spark the imagination of the children. This walking tour has been designed for children from 6 to 12 years old.

 NB : All our tours are designed for families and will interest young and old. Please note that children must however remain under the responsibility of their parents for the duration of the tour. Parents cannot leave their children with the guide and leave the tour.